Sky: Children of the Light developers (thatgamecompany) have stated that none of the Sky kids (players) or spirits have specified genders. They also have a Pride event every June and donate to The Trevor Project.
Sky: Children of the Light is a social game in which players relive spirits’ memories across 7 different realms. Each spirit has a friendship tree that allows the player to unlock new cosmetics, spells, and more. Sky has events year-round of varying lengths. “Season” events are about the length of a real life season, and “Days” events last a few weeks at most.
thatgamecompany has stated this on a support site: “The characters and spirits in Sky are deliberately designed to let players express their chosen gender in whatever manner they choose. We believe in the power of player choice and self-expression, and encourage you to discover what that means for your in-game character.” When they introduce new spirits on social media, they also avoid using pronouns with the spirits. Whenever pronouns are used, it’s always they/them, similarly to how we use they/them for people when we don’t know their gender.
Every year, Sky hosts Days of Color, an event that acts as an in-game Pride. Pride cosmetics are available during this event. 2023 introduced 2 dark rainbow items (mostly black items with some rainbows). Other items, all rainbow of course, include a cape, trousers, and headphones. An area of Daylight Prairie was also extended for this event. Players could be seen bringing color to the already existing area, and flying up to the extension in a rainbow beam. The extended area featured a few small sky islands with rainbow waterfalls and bridges. Players faded into each color of the rainbow while in this area, and could float upon a giant rainbow ring that encircled the sky islands.
Days of Color 2023 also introduced event currencies. Days of Color currency could buy only the dark rainbow cape. All other items used other in-game currencies, or real ones. Either way, a donation finds its way to The Trevor Project every June.